It is a musical comedy, performed live, and "zany" is the best adjective I can use to describe it. It also is updated constantly
The next day, Grammy and Pappy took the kids to the park to play bocce ball and I went for a run through Sonoma. The kids loved the game and were able to pick it up easily and played very well. That night we went to Franceine and Bill's for dinner.
The next day we headed out to Vallejo for the Six Flags/Marine World Adventure. Stephannie met us there. We had a great time riding the rides and the elephant and seeing the dolphin and killer whale show. Now, for those of you who have been to Sea World in San Antonio, this is NO SHAMU SHOW. This guy's name is Sukah (pronounced sue-kah, not suck-a). He jumps around a little bit and poses some, and gets people
The girls and I headed straight to Napa to visit Tony, Caroline and the kids. They just bought a beautiful new house and we were so excited to see it (and them). We headed out to Taylor's Refresher for dinner. The setting was beautiful and the burgers/salads were Delicious. We walked over to Oxbow for ice cream after dinner and hung out for a few minutes before heading back to Sonoma. As we were driving back to Sonoma at dusk, we came up over the head of the valley. The clouds were beginning to spill over the ridge that separates Sonoma from the coast. The clouds were pink in the sunset and it was one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. To quote Domini, it was like driving into a painting. I was going about 60 and there was no shoulder, so of course I thought the logical thing to do was stick my iPhone out
The next day we met Julia, Domini, and Stephannie for some shopping in the outlets in Petaluma and had a wonderful time. That night we headed to Marin for a final farewell dinner with the Haver clan.
Yesterday, Jim and Rosemary drove us to Sacramento to the airport and I managed to get my kids and 250 pounds of luggage to Houston. We had five huge bags, each weighing 50 pounds each. The kids were excellent. We got off the plane and headed to the luggage carousel. We rented 2 luggage carts, each manned by my 8 and 5 year old kids and I hauled each bag off of the rounder and onto a cart. When I got them all on, I pushed a cart, and Katherine pushed another. Shout out to all of the sweet and kind men who helped the damsel's in distress yesterday! And thank goodness I am halfway cute and my kids are gorgeous and we looked so pitiful. You see, I had to rent a car to get home and we had to ride a bus from the airport to the car rental place. I had to get my kids, myself, and all of that luggage onto the bus, off the bus, and into a rental car - hence, accepting the kindness of strangers. But we did it! We got home last night!!!
We leave for Caracas in 6 days. Gulp. It is really happening.
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