The rest of our Park City Adventure passed in a blur of activity. Hiking continued to be the order of the day, so Heidi came over with the kids while Darren worked and we took them out on Lost Prospector Trail, but this time, we headed toward Park City. Quincy and Zane took the mountain bikes and Heidi and I hiked with the girls. Here is a picture of us on the trail with the slopes of Park City in the background.

Thanks to Quincy, the adults managed to sneak away one more time and went to see Bruno. I laughed through some of it, but was intensely uncomfortable through most of it. It was definitely thought provoking and led to lots of conversation afterward. We grabbed a glass of wine before the movie and this is a car we saw in the parking lot. Only in Utah? Or South Louisiana. Who am I kidding. This could have been my parents car in the 80's.
The last day of our trip we headed up to American Fork Canyon to hit the Timpanogas Cave National Monument.
www.nps.gov/tica/It was actually discovered by Milton Hansen in the 1800's who happens to be an ancestor of Heidi's! It was a gorgeous day. When we got to the park, we checked in and started our climb to the cave. It is a 1.5 mile hike

up to the caves and is 1,100 feet up from where we started.

It is a great climb with spectacular views. My kids scooted up the hike like billy goats. I also did very well from a cardiovascular standpoint. However, my acrophobia was a bit of a hindrance. I am terrified of cliffs.

When I see my children go near a cliff I am nearly incapacitated. God bless Darren and Heidi for putting up with me and making sure the girls got up and down because it was all I could do to get myself up and down. If any of my siblings are reading this, I only have about 25% of Mom's condition and these cliffs were REALLY steep. Here are a few pictures of us in the caves and on the hike.
After Timpanogas, we headed to Sundance for lunch. Sundance is tiny and gorgeous. There is one lift and a small lodge and store. We had fed the kids at the caves so we could enjoy an adult lunch and let the kids run around. We ordered great sandwiches and ate outside while the kids ran around. Here is a picture of Katherine by the stream there. Heidi and Quincy went shopping at the Sundance Store and Darren and I were hanging out with the kids. I decided to go back to the Deli for coffee. While I was waiting for my order, I looked up and ROBERT REDFORD was standing there. In sunglasses, shorter than I thought, but definitely him.

I dropped my purse, money, ID, and coffee on the counter and as casually as I could muster, ran outside to get witnesses. I saw Darren and told him in no uncertain terms that he HAD to come inside and help me with the coffee. RR was right over my shoulder at this time and I did not want to appear like a stalker. Confused, Darren followed me inside and then I pointed out RR. No camera! We went outside and bumped into Heidi and Quincy who were looking for us because they had already seen him while walking around the resort. By that time RR was having lunch on the patio and Heidi and I were trying to get pictures with him in the background. Even without the celebrity siting, Sundance is gorgeous and worth the trip to have lunch and check it out. For what it is worth, here is my picture with RR. He is in the crack.

We went home after that to wash, pack and get ready for our drive to Lake Tahoe.
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