We got our little girl back!!!!

The trip started out earlier than intended. This lush, stay-at-home Mom life has caused me to completely forget what day it was. I mean I had the LETTER day right, but the NUMBER day was one off. So Wednesday morning Madeline and I kissed Daddy good-bye and good luck in Venezuela and took off for Central Texas.
About 45 minutes outside of San Antonio, my phone rang and it was my Mom. She had received a copy of my itinerary and wanted to know why I had left a day early. Perplexed, I asked her why she thought that. She said my itinerary had me leaving

on the 2nd of July. I told her that was correct and it WAS the second of July. "No - today is the first," she insisted. Exasperated with her I pulled out my calender and started laughing. It WAS the 1st and I had left a day early and had already traveled 4 hours. I called Chris and informed him of my folly - he asked if I was going to turn around and go home? Heck no! Get me a room at the Hyatt Hill Country Resort. Why ruin the last night of Madeline's Only Child Fantasy Life? She and I rolled into the HHC and hit the lazy river. She loved it!!!! The next morning we took off for Kerville.

We were allowed to see the girls at 3 pm. My good friend Kris told me to park close to her cabin so she could run out to us. On the drive out there I saw big suburbans decorated with "WE MISSED YOU (name)" - and I started tearing up. I parked about 100 feet from her cabin and started walking to find her. About 50 feet from the cabin I saw the girls run out of the cabin and head for the waterfront (where I was SUPPOSED to be already), I started screaming for her and she stopped and looked embarrassed. I ran toward her, arms spread, tears streaming (just as I had in my fantasies of seeing her again). Unfortunately, she just stood there, hands on hips, looking embarrassed. Her friends had stopped and were staring at us and I suddenly realized I must be acting very uncool. Imagine. I tried to pull it together and slowed down to a trot and stopped screaming. I still threw my arms around her and gave her a thousand kisses. She tolerated my affections but kept complaining the whole time. It seems she was saving it all up for Madeline. She dropped me like a hot potato and ran up to her sister and gave her BEAR HUGS and kisses.
I realized I had lost a piece of her forever. She had grown up so much over the past four weeks and had developed quite a bit of Independence. I was sad and proud at the same time. She brought us around the camp, showing us her activities and introducing us to her cabin mates, table mates, and other friends. That evening she performed in the "Chorus and Dance" show and did a great job. We were not able to take her home until the next day after a very hot and long award ceremony.
We pulled out at noon and headed for Frisco, north of Dallas to visit my cousins for 4th of July. We got to hang out with my awesome cousin Lizette and her husband Bobby, and kids Landry and Bryce. We also got to hang out with Deauxvic, Chantel and Judy. Katherine and Madeline are about the same ages as Lizette's kids and they had a wonderful time.

This morning we pulled out from Frisco at 8 am. The kids were AWESOME and tolerated the drive well. We were able to go about 500 miles before they gave up. We landed in Santa Rosa, New Mexico and are here at the Hampton Inn. It is so beautiful here. I have always loved the Basin and Range and had a great job pointing out the different geologic features to the kids. Tomorrow we are going to head Northwest and hopefully will make it to Shiprock to show the kids and points beyond.
Good Night from The Girls!!!
WE LOVE YOU DADDY (and have a safe trip to Columbia tomorrow!!)
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