That evening, the rest of the Seigels and the Vasuts were arriving so Heidi went to the airport to pick them up. I stayed back at the condo and cooked chicken spaghetti for everyone.
When Heidi got back, she had 5 new people with her. That brought our numbers up to 10 in that condo. Sleeping arrangements took some creative thinking. Steph and Alex slept in one room, and me, Madeline, and Heidi in another. Darren got to share his bed with Noa, Zane and Quincy. We all had a GREAT night's sleep. We woke up early and took the kids on a hike near the condo. It was probably 4 miles and the kids were champs.
After that, SeigelTours really kicked into high gear. What did we NOT do? Hiking, biking, exploring, wining, dining, and even got to see Bruno (sans kids). It is so nice to visit a place with someone who has the inside scoop on what to do there. The night after the first hike we went to this great Schezuwan restaurant - kids at one table, adults at the other. The kids ordered the Po-po platter and all shared it. It came with a flame at the top and everything and they were not disappointed.
After dinner, we headed to the yogurt shop next door- it was called "World Yogurt" but used to be called "Pinkberry". OH MY GOSH. I had never had Korean Yogurt before and holy cow it was the best stuff in the world. The secret is to get the tart yogurt and then add toppings to it. I swear you wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it, it was that different and good. After that we headed to Redstone for a Reggae concert. The kids loved it. They just ran around and danced and we hung out.
The next day we got up early and headed out to Park City to hit the slopes for all of the summer activities they had there. We bought all day passes and certainly got our monies worth. We did the Alpine slide several times, rode the gondola countless times and everyone over 9 did the Zip Line. The kids did put-put, rode the kiddie rides, and finished the maze. Almost all of
us made it to the top in the rock climbing wall. The most amazing thing, though, was the alpine coaster. You got in line at the bottom of the slope and every adult had a kid with them. You were towed to the top of the hill on your coaster and then dumped off of the tow line to let gravity get you to the bottom. All you had was a brake to control your speed. It was incredible. There were twists and turns and we were going so fast. It was one of those rides where you start thinking, "Hmmm, certainly this CANT be that safe, I wonder who regulates these things?" The woman who 'briefed' us before we took off reassured us before we left that the cars were attached to the track, so I just kept repeating that to myself over and over again. Quincy babysat that night and me Heidi, Darren, and Stephanie all went out for an adult dinner in Park City. We got a LOT of stares. I guess one man going out with three women in Utah has certain connotations?
River rafting was the theme of the next day. We got up super early and headed out to Taggert to the Park City Rafting office.
We took two boats and it was guided. The water was pretty tame and we had fun. It was pretty overcast and my kids were a little cold, but had fun. After rafting, we went to the only restaurant in Taggert and it was fabulous. I think I had the best waitress I had ever had in my life. She kept the kids entertained and could not do enough for us. The grounds of the restaurant were gorgeous and had PEACOCKS just wandering around. The owner of the place gave the kids peacock feathers that the birds had dropped recently and they were in heaven (picture).
When the Blackwell's house was ready, the Haver's and Vasuts got to move over. I am sure everyone breathed a sigh of relief and certainly had a lot more room - although I survived 5 weeks in a 3 bedroom apartment with 7 other people after the hurricane (love to the Gaido's (holla...)). The next day was Stephanie's last so we went over Guardsman's Pass to meet Heidi's aunt/uncle and cousins in the next canyon. We met
them for breakfast outside of Solitude adn got to eat on the lawn which was fabulous. The we went hiking at a lake near there and the big kids got to climb up the mountains. We went back to Heidi's families cabin and hung out for a while, then we had to take Steph and Alex back to the airport in Salt Lake City. Heidi and I brought them and then stopped at Nordstrom's Rack for a little shopping on the way home.
The rest of the week we slowed down the pace a little. The girls and I got haircuts and hung out together. The Blackwell's house has trailheads in the neighborhood so we took great advantage of those. What troopers they were! Those girls hiked at least 10 miles in two days over pretty rough terrain. Madeline fell a couple of times and banged up her knees pretty bad but kept going.
More to follow.
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