Off we go to Venezuela for our big family adventure. We will try to keep you all updated on our status and keep everyone current with pictures and details.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Winter Vacation and Katherine Recipe for Happiness
We got back to Caracas on January 10th and were greeted with rumors of rolling blackouts, more water shortages, and the devaluation of the Venezuelan currency. Oh well, another day in Caracas. So far, we have not been affected much by these doings and have been back to normal life here as we know it.
Katherine has started a new book in her reading class and it is called George's Marvelous Medicine. It seems that George has a mean and terrible grandmother. He plans to make a magic medicine that will change her into a sweet, loving and happy grandmother that he desires. Katherine's assignment tonight was to make a shopping list of ten ingredients that SHE would use to make a medicine for her grandmother.
Here is her list, and below that is her reasoning (copied directly from her homework):
1. 16 tons of chocolate
2. 16 black rats
3. Carrots (lots)
4. A bride's dress
5. Makeup
6. Flowers
7. Botox
8. Hair Dye
9. Soap
10. Bleach
Katherine's Reasoning:
1. Chocolate to make her fat and jolly.
2. The black rats are for getting all of the bad stuff out of her body and make her good.
3. Carrots to make her eyesight better.
4. A brides dress to make her merry.
5. Make up to make her look pretty.
6. Flowers to make her smell good.
7. Botox to make her skin look pretty.
8. Hair Dye to make her hair more colorful.
9. Soap to make her clean.
10. Bleach to make her teeth whiter.
I sit stunned beyond all belief. So much for world peace.
Death of a Blackberry
I also had an entire team of people at my work life who wound me up and kept me going in the right direction. I did not have to remember the little details of my day to day activities - my fabulous staff and the miracle of handheld electronic gadgets connected to my clothes did all of that for me. Thank you thank you Terri, Rhona, Kelly, Sandra and I could go on and on....
BEEP - my hip would go. Press a button. Oh, I have surgery tomorrow at 7:30 at St. Johns. It is for Ms. Smith and we are doing a hysterectomy. BEEP. Oh, I am on call tomorrow. BEEP. I have scheduled the afternoon off for vacation so I can go to Katherine's class Christmas party. And so on, and so on.
When I moved to Venezuela my gadgets went away. I have a cell phone here, but for the first time in 10 years it is not attached to my clothing. I spent the first two months in Caracas fogetting it at home as I was not used to having to look for it, find it, and put it in my purse. My cell phone now gets lost IN MY PURSE I am not above calling myself to find it in the deepest recesses of my handbag.
Upon moving to Venezuela, I also suddenly had no real agenda. How fabulous. What a life. I have to wake up, do a little work on the computer for my consulting site, get the kids up, feed them, dress them, and get them to the bus. At around 2:30 the driver takes me back to school to pick up the kids.
From 7:30 - 2:30 my time is my own. How on earth do I fill it? Do I just sit around eating bon-bons all day? At first it was easy. I work out every morning - and that takes a couple of hours. I had serious unpacking and decorating of my new home to do. I had to learn my way around the school and markets of our area.
Within a few months, I became settled in my surroundings, my excursions dried up and I began to look for more things to do. I stared working out with some friends in the mornings after the kids were off at school. I became a room mother for both kids, started volunteering in the clinic at the kids school, joined the British and International Group, and got active in our church.
I was not in the habit of carrying around a calender, or writing anything down on paper, so I began to "forget" things, meetings, play dates, commitments. I realized how completely dependent I was on my electronica. I had to break down and buy a calender to keep track of everything! I actually have to carry around a pen to graphically notate all meetings and events. My respect for my "stay and home" Mom friends continues to blossom.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
What is Art?
I had looked in art galleries around Caracas for art to hang on the walls in our apartment, but could not find just the 'right' thing. I also balked at some of the very high prices.
I found an art supply store in Caracas and bought three canvases I thought would be a good size to hang on the wall space I wanted. I then picked out a few large tubes of acrylic paint I thought would look good with the furnishings and rug we have now.
I decided to paint each canvas a base coat of a different color, and then allow the kids to finger paint over the base in a contrasting color.
I got up early on Saturday morning and started painting canvases. Chris joined me after his workout and helped me while he surfed the web and drank coffee. We let the base coats dry and made breakfasts for the kids.
After the base coats were dry, we brought in the kids. The only instructions we gave were to keep the paint on the canvas and not the table and we let them go to town. They smeared the paint on their hands and created their masterpieces. After they were done, I went behind them and added dark brown "low lights" to give the pictures a common theme.
We watched them dry and were amazed by how fabulous they turned out. We let them dry overnight and got up early and hung them.
I know abstract art is not for everybody, and heck, before this project it was not really for us either, but we love them. I will have them and cherish them forever. They mean something wonderful to us — and isn't that was art is all about?
We are now taking orders.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Only in Venezuela
Madeline had a terrible cold and an awful runny nose for a week before the photos were taken. Due to the constant irritation and wetness, she had developed a horrible red, crusty rash on her upper lip. She looked, at the time, like she had a confluent cold sore from her upper lip to her nose.
I had to keep it covered with vaseline to keep it from getting worse — and that made it shiny enough to be seen from space. So, understandably, I was shocked when I got the pictures today. The lesion was magically gone.
Madeline was airbrushed. Retouched. She is five years old. They had airbrushed away the crusty scab and left behind a smooth, beautiful doll. When I questioned other parents, they stated that yes, their children were all airbrushed as well. The photographer will even go as far as putting teeth back where they used to be if the new ones have not grown in yet. Katherine is airbrushed too — her freckles are gone. I like her freckles. They are part of her personality and a testament to all of the time she spends in the pool. I would have liked them there - I wish they would have asked me.
Friday, November 13, 2009
High School Oopsical
Our party sat in shock trying to figure out what was going on. We then saw a man jump up on the stage and start gesticulating obscenities towards the back of the stage and to the crowd. The people in the VIP section started screaming and yelling and booing. People on the floor began to leave in droves. We did not want to leave as we thought we were safer where we were, not to mention that we had little clue what was going on. We slowly figured out that the people on the floor were outraged that the show was being performed by look-a-likes and not by the real performers. We had a few "little kids" in our party and after about 30 minutes of waiting to see what was going on, they began to get cranky and hungry. We loaded up the first van with Chris, Tara and some of the little kids to go home while the rest of us decided to stay and see the show (if it ever restarted).
About 45 minutes into the wait a few people came on stage and began reading statements that (in translation) went something like "At no time did we ever say that the original movie actors would be performing......" The floor seats that were left went wild with screaming and more of them began to leave in droves. The man said that the performers would restart in 20 minutes for anyone who would like to see the show.
So we decided to wait.
And we waited, and waited, and waited.
There were no bulletins, or updates. Just an empty stage and people without a clue what the heck was going on. After about an hour after the man left the stage, he came back and said that the show would start in 5 minutes, but the people in the front few rows had to "push back" for security reasons. Well, that was met with some disappointment as well. The crews brought in more barriers for in front of the sage and a row of security officers were placed along the front of them to keep the actors safe from the 12 die hard children who were left in the front and determined to stay for the show — bedtimes be damned. The people finally moved back and the show "re"-started. The actors lip synced and danced their feet off. From where we were sitting, you could not tell the difference — and actually the "Troy" character may have been a better dancer than the original one (no offense to Zac Efron of whom I am a HUGE fan). The kids had a ball after all and we were home at around midnight.
Only in Venezuela?
Friday, November 6, 2009
Life Goes On
Well, if pressed, I can suggest that if you want to feel good about yourself, go on an exotic beach vacation with a lot of people who don't exercise, eat as much as they want, and insist on wearing a bikini. On the news front, the male bikini bottom seems to have given way to the modified bike short in neon or pastel colors. The only man in the world who looks good in these is Daniel Craig.
We arrived home in Caracas on Friday evening and on Saturday decided to hike up the El Avila National Park. The Avilla is the mountain that separates Caracas from the Caribbean - most of it in an uninhabited national park. We headed up the trailhead with several local families and encountered some of the steepest climbing I have ever attempted. We were armed with our hydrations packs and determined to make it to our destination. About half way up the Avila is a path that runs parallel to the Caracas Valley Floor - we found a hut, bathroom and rest station there. From there we continued up the valley to a beautiful stream and waterfall. Lots of families were there taking advantage of the cool water, having picnics, and swimming.
The following week, the kids were out of school on Thurdsay due to parent/teacher conferences, so my friend Tara and I decided to take the kids up the Teliferico (cable car) to the top of the Avila and see the Caribbean Ocean and the old abandoned hotel on the top. The ride takes about 20 minutes and provides a spectacular view of Caracas.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Campo Way Club
Katherine is not traumatized or less of a person because she got a strike, but is darn sure she is not going to forget her folder again so she does not miss out on the party. Peer pressure and postive reinforcement at its best - we think.
I remain impressed by this school.
Any thoughts??
Monday, October 26, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Angel Falls and Canaima National Park
I really hope I can do this place justice.
Last weekend my family made the journey to Angel Falls and Canaima National Park. This excursion was on our Latin American Bucket List - along with Curacao, Galapagos and Machu Pichu.
This trip has now made my top ten of the greatest things I have ever done in my life. Experiencing it with my husband and children made it even more spectacular.
From the time I flew into Canaima I was in pure and total awe. I kept looking at my husband and we would send the mental message of "Wow, how awesome is this? How lucky are we? I love you for our life together."
We made plans for the trip several weeks ago. We knew that it was still the rainy season and travel up the Carrao River would be good - it is impassable in the dry season. Some of our friends had gone and recommended the Waku Lodge and the trip in general. We travelled with our good friends Sean and Rhonda Kelly, and their kids Amanda, Ryan and Megan.
Day 1
The day finally arrived. The kids were off of school on Monday so this gave us a chance to go over a three day weekend. Chris was flying back from Houston the morning we left. I had to get the girls to the airport by 6:00am. We woke up at 0400, got dressed, and waited for our Pacheo driver to take us to the airport. We got to the airport as the sun was rising and were relieved when Daddy called us that he had made it on time and would meet us at the domestic terminal. The airport in Caracas is one of the distinct reminders that we are in a third world country. Lots of crowds, shoving, shouting, and waiting. We made it through check-in and then through security. Our plane left for Puerto Ordaz - a one hour jet ride away and landed without incident. Our next plane was full so we had to wait a couple of hours for it to bring the other passangers to Canaima, drop them off, then turn around to get our party of 9 people.
We happily boarded our plane and headed for Canaima around noon. We flew over a large lake and then started seein the large plateaus and mountains out of the window. The landscape looked like something out of Lord of the Rings. The flight was only 35 minutes and we landed in a lush green valley surrounded by giant plateaus. The "airport" was a grass covered hut with no walls, windows, or doors. A large jeep with Waku Lodge printed on the side picked us up and drove 5 minutes to the nearby lodge.
We were not sure what exactly to expect at Waku Lodge. I was mentally prepared for huts and bugs - but instead, was greeted by manicured lawns, beautiful natural architecture, and lovely private rooms.
We were immediately ushered to the dining area - a very large thatched and a gorgeous dining room. After a beautiful lunch were thinly sliced grilled eggplant slices were wrapped around goat cheese and nut mounds (among other delicious offerings) we went to our rooms to get ready for the first tour. Our rooms were spacious and consisted of single beds. There was a private bath with hot water and a small sink. The decor was beautiful and beyond our expectations.
We met on the beach and our guide Jose had us load into long, narrrow canoes called Curiara for a tour around the Canaima lagoon directly in front of the hotel. This surprised me as I did not realize that we were going to another tour besides the one to Angel Falls.
The boat took us to see the Hacha and Golondrina and Ucaima falls. The water was low enough for us to walk behind the waterfalls for one of the most spectacular experiences I have ever had.
After leaving Ucaima we hiked into the jungle and went to explore the Sappo and Sapittio falls. The hike was beautiufl and took less than one hour. We were able to walk underneath the Sappo falls as well and then hiked down to the base of the Sapitto where a lagoon awaited. The kids had a wonderful time swimming and playing in the water with their Dad and friends.
After hiking back to the canoes, we headed back to the lodge. We were happy, exhausted adn filfthy. After showers and a glass of wine (for the adults)- we headed out to dinner. After dinner we sat outside and looked at the sky unpolluted by surrounding lights and were entertained by shooting stars. The kids ran all over the resort like they owned it, playing tag, hide and seek, and stargazing.
We were promised a knock on our door at 0400 to get up for the Angel Falls trip the next day - so we headed off to bed.
Day 2
As promised - the knock came, and we dragged ourselves out of bed. At 4:45 we met in the main area for coffee and crackers and then loaded into jeeps. The jeeps took us around the lagoon and through the village where the people who work at the camp live.
About 45 minutes into the journey, we pulled off onto the beach and unloaded at La Sabana de Mayupa. The Mayupa rapids are too dangerous to try to fjord by boat. A tractor pulled us about 3 miles to the other side of the rapids. We loaded back into the canoes and continued our journey. When we reached Orchid Island we stopped for breakfast. There is a camp there where people can sleep in hammocks closer to the falls than we were.
We pulled up to a small island and began the hike up to the base of the falls. The land below the jutting cliffs is rainforest and climbs steeply to the base of the falls. The ground is littered with giant roots of trees that snake along the ground - sometimes several feet thick. Large boulders are scattered amongst the paths as well. The hike took us well over the hour prescribed - especially since we had a hardy 5 year old making the trip.
There is a small pool at the base of the falls. After hiking through the rainforest, almost everyone strips off their clothes and dives in. Be warned, the water is COLD! My kids tolerated it the best they could but did not swim very long. Madeline found a nice warm boulder, curled up on it, and refused to move. It was now 100pm and time to head back. We had to hike down the same path and at that point Madeline had had just about enough. She was struggling to climb down the boulders, still wet and cold from the swim and just lost it. Jose - our fabulous guide - scooped her up without asking and piggybacked her down the mountain.
Jose is one of the local tribe of indigenous people to the area. He is a professional guide and was able to take his 10 year old son with us on the journey. He is able to speak English, Japanese, and Italian - not to discount Spanish and his native dialect. He and his son hiked the entire way barefoot. Even though he has seen these sights thousands of times, I got the feeling he truly enjoyed seeing the falls and loved his job. If you ever go - ask for him, and tip well.
When we got back to base camp at the river, lunch was waiting. A crew had barbecued chicken and there was rice and salad. It was delicious and we were starving. We got back in the boats and headed home the way we came. The sun was setting instead of rising and we got a view of the mountains that was completely different than the morning. The sun set during the last 30 minutes of our boatride and the moonlight guided us home.
We showered and went to have a glass of wine before dinner. We chatted with other people at the lodge and met some interesting people. Dinner again was wonderful. Suddenly, the owner of the lodge announced that they had entertainment for us. The local school choir was to perform. A small group of children gathered in the front of the dining room and prepared to sing.
I looked up to be polite. These were obviously native indian children whose parents likely worked at the lodge or the other lodges near ours. They must have lived in the village we had passed on the way in. They were scrubbed clean and had on nice school uniforms. They called themselves the Coro Infantil de Kanaima. They likely ranged in age from 6 - 16. The taped music started and they began to sing.
I was blown away. Tears filled my eyes. They belted out the most beautiful live music I have heard in years. We were all stunned. After the performance, they walked around selling music discs of their music for 20 Bolivares (about $4) and we bought one. I have used one of the songs as part of the soundtrack of the video I am making of the trip. You will know which one it is when you hear it.
The next morning we got up and had coffee on the grounds. There were parrots and monkeys in cages around the lodge and we took the kids to see them and buy souviners and T-shirts. After breakfast, we went back to the airport and had a safe trip home.
The link to the video is to follow.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Venezuela: Oil and The Economy
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Dining Out in Caracas
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Baby Talk
Girl's Trip
Monday, September 21, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Boom Boom Pow

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Stepford, Venezuela
Monday, September 7, 2009
Feliz Cumpleanos
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Good Morning Caracas
I am here. I am settled. I am unpacked.
I can go to school and the grocery store without having a panic attack. I like my driver, and my housekeeper. I am making friends. I am safe. I can do this for the next three years and survive unscathed. I am in my happy bubble and can stay here for the next few years. I will be unscathed, unharmed, and unchanged.
Chris and I got invited to dinner last weekend. It was a birthday dinner for Chris' boss. Four couples were invited to a restaurant in the Las Mercedes area. One of the couples we know very well, as they live below us and our kids are good friends. The two other couples were golf buddies of the birthday boy and were in their 60's. Chris and I had never met the older couples before.
Our table was outside and the setting was beautiful. We mingled in the courtyard with Procecco and appetizers, making small talk and waiting for the birthday couple to arrive. When the time came for us to be seated, we all slowly walked to the table. We did, as people do, who are being polite but don't know each other very well. We slowly approached the table, trying figure out where we were going to sit. Chris and I gave each other the silent communication of permission to sit apart and as so to keep the other couples together. I sat between Chris' boss and a wonderful lady named S, and across from our other friends. Chris sat next to a woman named M, a real Venezlano grand dame who had married an American years ago and across from E my fabulous new friend (and wife of Chris' boss).
S and I fell into instant friendship and conversation. S grew up in England, and at the age of 17 started University. While there, she met a young Venezuelan man named Carlos and fell head over heels in love. They eloped and moved to Caracas and she has been here for 40 years. She was 60 years old, gorgeous, flamboyant, bilingual and the mother of three engineers, all successful and living in South America. For three hours I sat transfixed and listened to her tell her life's story.
Her parents did not approve of her match with a young South American man, so she did the sensible thing. Run away to Venezuela and get married anyway. She and Carlos came here with very little. They both worked, and were saving for a small apartment. A huge earthquake hit Caracas shortly thereafter and certain parts of town had drops in value - they bought an apartment that was right next to a couple of collapsed buildings - as the price was right. They started having children. Carlos was working for an international company and had put together a deal to open a biscuit (cookie) factory in Venezuela - but the board of directors disapproved of his idea. They decided to open the factory themselves - and the rest is history. She is still making chocolate biscuits for Bimbo here in Caracas. At the age of 40 she was successful, happily married, and raising children. Her husband developed a slowly progressive disease that destroyed his muscle function and took him from active husband and father to vegetable over the next 11 years. She nursed him during that time and continued to help out at the company and raise her children. At the time of his death nine years ago, most of their friends had slowly drifted away and she found herself alone. She took up golf and stayed in Venezuela as it had been her home for 30 years. A few months ago she befriended a widower who she is not dating and very happy with. They are going to England to meet her 87 year old mother in a few months.
As I listened to her, I kept thinking, Wow. She has had quite a life. She is a fighter. She knows how to live.
I am in my little ex-pat bubble and can easily stay here for the next three years - I can comfortably not learn Spanish, make no friends outside of my culture, not travel, yearn for home, work out, play on the internet, and wait out the next three years.
The more I listened to her, the more I kept thinking. Hell No. I am going to live here. Live Big.
Whenever I have made big life changing decisions before I was always "stepping up" in my life. Geology for Medicine, a surgical speciality, private practice for academics, and now what for Venezuela?
I left behind a career - sure I can go back but it will never be the same - for WHAT?? I thought the answer would find me. I thought I would be instantly enriched. I though my path would be clear. Sure, it would be easy to live in the bubble. The bubble was mostly created for our safety and I get that, but the bubble can isolate you from life if you let it. I see it happening around me.
Not me. I am here to LIVE. For safety's sake I have to stay in the bubble, but I can push it, mold it, and let it take me to places I have never been before, or would never have been if I did not make myself. It seems like I have to find life here - outside of my husband, his career, and the kids needs.
Get ready Caracas. Here I come.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Juego Pollo
Monday, August 17, 2009
New School, New House, Birthdays
I have learned alot in the last week.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Good Bye Galveston, Hello Caracas
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Latest Security Update
Security Situation Updates
Protests likely after attack by pro-government activists on television station headquarters in Caracas
Created: August 04, 2009 06:22 GMTUpdated: August 04, 2009 08:12 GMT More than 30 armed activists of the Union Patriotica Venezolana (UPV) – a political party supportive of President Hugo Chávez – on 3 August attacked the headquarters of Globovision, the country's largest private television station, in the capital Caracas. The assailants threatened employees with firearms and threw tear gas canisters; a police officer and a number of security guards were injured in the attack.Comment and Analysis Political rallies are common in Venezuela, and the latest incident could potentially trigger anti-government demonstrations by opposition groups in the capital and other cities. Such gatherings can result in unrest between rival activists and the security forces, and personnel risk incidental exposure to violence in the event of such disturbances. Localised traffic disruption should also be anticipated in the vicinity of these events. While overall travel risks for Venezuela are rated as MEDIUM, the risks associated with travel to Caracas are rated as HIGH.The incident is indicative of the government's hostile attitude to private media organisations, after many of the latter backed the 2002 coup that temporarily removed Chávez from office. A decision by the authorities in 2007 to deny the RCTV television channel a licence to broadcast triggered widespread demonstrations, though the protest campaign failed to reverse the government's decision and eventually ran out of momentum, highlighting significant levels of support for the president's political agenda.The attack on Globovision's headquarters follows government statements accusing the channel of dishonest reporting, and a crackdown by the authorities on the media. The National Assembly on 30 July began discussions on proposed new legislation that would impose a sentence of up to two years in prison for any article or report considered to threaten ‘the social peace' and national security, a sanction applicable to the authors of such reports and executives of the media outlet publishing them. The government on the following day closed 32 radio and two television stations, describing their operations as illegal. The opposition regards the measures as unconstitutional and a blatant attempt by Chávez to consolidate his power.Travel AdviceAvoid demonstrations, rallies and picket lines due to a credible risk of clashes between demonstrators and the security forces. Do not attempt to cross picket lines or roadblocks as this may prompt a hostile reaction.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sonoma Summer
It is a musical comedy, performed live, and "zany" is the best adjective I can use to describe it. It also is updated constantly
The next day, Grammy and Pappy took the kids to the park to play bocce ball and I went for a run through Sonoma. The kids loved the game and were able to pick it up easily and played very well. That night we went to Franceine and Bill's for dinner.
The next day we headed out to Vallejo for the Six Flags/Marine World Adventure. Stephannie met us there. We had a great time riding the rides and the elephant and seeing the dolphin and killer whale show. Now, for those of you who have been to Sea World in San Antonio, this is NO SHAMU SHOW. This guy's name is Sukah (pronounced sue-kah, not suck-a). He jumps around a little bit and poses some, and gets people
The girls and I headed straight to Napa to visit Tony, Caroline and the kids. They just bought a beautiful new house and we were so excited to see it (and them). We headed out to Taylor's Refresher for dinner. The setting was beautiful and the burgers/salads were Delicious. We walked over to Oxbow for ice cream after dinner and hung out for a few minutes before heading back to Sonoma. As we were driving back to Sonoma at dusk, we came up over the head of the valley. The clouds were beginning to spill over the ridge that separates Sonoma from the coast. The clouds were pink in the sunset and it was one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. To quote Domini, it was like driving into a painting. I was going about 60 and there was no shoulder, so of course I thought the logical thing to do was stick my iPhone out
The next day we met Julia, Domini, and Stephannie for some shopping in the outlets in Petaluma and had a wonderful time. That night we headed to Marin for a final farewell dinner with the Haver clan.
Yesterday, Jim and Rosemary drove us to Sacramento to the airport and I managed to get my kids and 250 pounds of luggage to Houston. We had five huge bags, each weighing 50 pounds each. The kids were excellent. We got off the plane and headed to the luggage carousel. We rented 2 luggage carts, each manned by my 8 and 5 year old kids and I hauled each bag off of the rounder and onto a cart. When I got them all on, I pushed a cart, and Katherine pushed another. Shout out to all of the sweet and kind men who helped the damsel's in distress yesterday! And thank goodness I am halfway cute and my kids are gorgeous and we looked so pitiful. You see, I had to rent a car to get home and we had to ride a bus from the airport to the car rental place. I had to get my kids, myself, and all of that luggage onto the bus, off the bus, and into a rental car - hence, accepting the kindness of strangers. But we did it! We got home last night!!!
We leave for Caracas in 6 days. Gulp. It is really happening.