Thursday, December 17, 2009

Winter Vacation and Katherine Recipe for Happiness

I had big ideas to make a fabulous blog about our recent trip to the US. Everyone who is likely to read this, probably saw us on our travels, so I decided to make a video instead. It is attached here to the blog. Besides horrible swine flu for me, Chris and Katherine, we had a great time.

We got back to Caracas on January 10th and were greeted with rumors of rolling blackouts, more water shortages, and the devaluation of the Venezuelan currency. Oh well, another day in Caracas. So far, we have not been affected much by these doings and have been back to normal life here as we know it.

Katherine has started a new book in her reading class and it is called George's Marvelous Medicine. It seems that George has a mean and terrible grandmother. He plans to make a magic medicine that will change her into a sweet, loving and happy grandmother that he desires. Katherine's assignment tonight was to make a shopping list of ten ingredients that SHE would use to make a medicine for her grandmother.

Here is her list, and below that is her reasoning (copied directly from her homework):
1. 16 tons of chocolate
2. 16 black rats
3. Carrots (lots)
4. A bride's dress
5. Makeup
6. Flowers
7. Botox
8. Hair Dye
9. Soap
10. Bleach

Katherine's Reasoning:
1. Chocolate to make her fat and jolly.
2. The black rats are for getting all of the bad stuff out of her body and make her good.
3. Carrots to make her eyesight better.
4. A brides dress to make her merry.
5. Make up to make her look pretty.
6. Flowers to make her smell good.
7. Botox to make her skin look pretty.
8. Hair Dye to make her hair more colorful.
9. Soap to make her clean.
10. Bleach to make her teeth whiter.

I sit stunned beyond all belief. So much for world peace.

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