Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Campo Way Club

Shock and Awe.

When we decided to move to Caracas, my first worry was for my children's education. They had had a tough year before we left, as Ike had left its mark on their home, school and community.

On our look/see visit last Spring I was able to tour the school, view the classrooms, facilities and meet the staff. I was impresssed and the school came with the recommendation of all of the Chevron families I had met. My sister in-law also did some research (she has taught in Europe and has friends on the international teaching circuit) and found out that the school was highly ranked among international schools.

The girls matriculated in August and I have been very impressed. They love school are enthusiastic, happy and seem to be learning well. At the beginning of school, I began hearing about the Camp Way Club.

The children's school is named Escuela Campo Alegre and in order to join the Campo Way Club you must demonstrate the following: Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe, and Do Your Best. When I heard that, I thought, well that is nice, but good luck enforcing it.

I attended a meeting of room mothers recently (YES, I am a room mother now) and was interested to hear the other moms talking about their children not making the Campo Way Club. Their children were devastated. I was aghast. A child did not make the Campo Way Club??? What does this mean? How does this happen?

It seems that at the end of each calander month a Campo Way Party is held in each classroom for the children who have earned the right to be there. It is a HUGE deal for the children to be included/excluded. The children are rewared for following the Campo Way with treats, music, dancing. Katherine has never been a discipline problem so I never gave it much thought.

At the beginning of the month, all kids are in the club. If you get three strikes that month you are not allowed in the club or to the party that month. Katherine got her first strike of the year today. She was very upset.

In her folder was a piece of paper. It looked like this:

Katherine had to fill it in herself, sign it and give it to me. I tried to scan and I hope you can read it.  I could not wait to get home and show it to my husband.

Imagine, a concept of teaching children to be responsible and not involving the parents - other than to let them know what is going on at school??? 

Katherine is not traumatized or less of a person because she got a strike, but is darn sure she is not going to forget her folder again so she does not miss out on the party. Peer pressure and postive reinforcement at its best - we think.

I remain impressed by this school.

Any thoughts??

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