I did not leave claw marks on the tarmac in Houston. I was actually glad to go back. Don't get me wrong, I had a fantastic summer working, visiting friends, and soaking up some Galveston time, but when it was time to go back - I was ready.
You could say I missed my rock star apartment, the near perfect daily spring like weather, the gorgeous mountain view from every window in my home, the kids swanky private school — and you would only be partially correct.
You see, I really, really missed Julia, my maid.
After a summer of single motherhood, while I was bringing in the bacon, driving it home, cooking it, serving it AND cleaning up after it was done made me acutely realize how lucky I am here in Caracas. I know that most women in America do what I did every day and call it life, and it is very humbling to me. When I was working, my 100 + hour weeks qualified me for a live-in housekeeper/baby sitter — so I never really did it all before.
I asked Chris to have Julia there when we arrived in Caracas to help us unpack and get settled as the kids were starting school in a couple of days after our arrival. I missed Julia so much that I had visions of me running in slow motion, to the tune of "Chariots of Fire," towards her, only to crumple, sobbing, at her feet in sheer gratitude.
Well, there was a miscommunication, and she was not there when we arrived. I took a deep breath, squared my shoulders, and started unpacking our 9 suitcases. Julia called and apologized for the misunderstanding and we told her to come the next day. A few hours later, my door bell rang, and I absentmindedly went to answer it.
It was Julia - in all of her 5 foot 1 shining glory, there to save me from unpacking hell. I literally threw my arms around her and showered her with the gifts I had brought her back from the states. She quickly shooed me away, and changed into her uniform. Within minutes, she took charge of the unpacking I basically acted as her grateful assistant.
She has eased us back into our routine and I am eternally grateful. The kids are back at school and loving it. They have new friends, great teachers, and are looking forward to another wonderful year.
Monday is sheet changing day at our house. I guess Julia decided changing the sheets is not enough. She decided to wash the duvet covers and pillow shams as well. Our pillows suffer from years of my Mediterranean blooded husband sleeping on them and his, well essence, being left on them nightly. The pillows (inside the cases) were stained a splotchy brownish color. They were cleanish, just stained from years of use.
I figured when I got fed up enough, I would bring in some new ones from the states.
It seems, however, that Julia had other ideas.
She opened the seams of the pillows and removed the stuffing so she could bleach and scour the covers. When I got home from tennis lessons, I watched in shock as she was hand sewing the seams back together after she had dried and restuffed the covers.
I am seriously thinking about putting plastic covers on them now to protect them from future damage!
God I love that woman.
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