Today I had a phone interview with a psychologist to review the results of my personality assessment. Chris and I actually conferenced in together. We passed. Whew......
Of note, I am very tolerant, Chris, not so much - shocker. I am very social, Chris, not so much. Chris is a risk taker, me, not so much. Psych man though those points were very interesting that we were so dichotomous on those particular scales. I explained to him that we took the tests individually, and had we taken them as a team our answers would have met in the middle somewhere (likely after much heated discussion). I guess after 14 years of marriage, 2 kids, Medical School, Residency, an MBA and Hurricane Ike - you figure out we are pretty much bomb proof; or just too tired to look elsewhere?
We have that out of the way at least. Our medical exams are next week on Wednesday. We fly out on Friday for our "Look and See" tour. We have a whole itenerary! - and nearly every minute is accounted for. Very "The Firm-ish." More details to follow.